The desktop’s a color shot: Andromeda,
Day and date in the corner, lower left.
Formerly, Kiki de Montparnasse of the 20s,
The real ones: roaring and jazz, outré nudes,
F. Scott and Hem, Capone, Beiderbecke, Bohr…
And Edwin Hubble, the U. of Chicago jock
Who later morphed to astronomer, telescope,
Revealing this smudge of sky as a galaxy in ‘24.
A spiral type, it rotates invisibly here –
Or may as well, or in a lifetime.
And with our Milky Way, the Magellanics,
The Draco Dwarf, Triangulum and others, forms
Our understated Local Group. And will forever –
Or anyway as good as, countless ages.
On a quiet afternoon, a Tuesday, June.