John Ronan has been widely recognized for his poetry and other creative work. A poet, film producer, playwright and journalist, he also hosts and produces the cable access series The Writer’s Block with John Ronan, now in its 35th season.
John’s latest work, The Idea of Light, is coming soon from Main Street Rag Publishing Company. This exclusive advance pre-order opportunity lets readers secure the book at a special discounted rate of $8. Step into The Idea of Light.

John's Books
Taking the Train of Singularity South from Midtown
Taking the Train is a collection of civic-minded poetry that celebrates the power of love and language to shape community. Set against diverse backdrops – from Gloucester and New York to Paris and Panama – the poems explore the strength found in shared connections. Read John’s interview with Mass Poetry.

Marrowbone Lane
Marrowbone Lane blends dark humor and insight. With influences from Derek Mahon to Yeats and from Ted Kooser to e.e. cummings, the poems mix joy and farewells with a wry wit.

The Writer's Block
John hosts and produces The Writer’s Block, a series featuring interviews with poets and prose writers and sometimes artists from other genres. This season began with the student winners of the Poetry Without Paper competition run by Gloucester’s Sawyer Free Library. The contest was started by John, David McArdle, and others in 2003.
The 2024-2025 season of Writer’s Block marks 35 years – the Emerald Anniversary!
American Storyboard
John founded the organization American Storyboard, a nonprofit dedicated to the power of storytelling. Storyboard produced a range of award-winning films, including Gloucester’s Adventure and Women in American Horseracing.